Paternity Actions

Experienced Advocacy In Paternity Legal Matters

Unmarried couples with children encounter a special set of circumstances in the legal arena in regards to paternity and establishing legal and physical custody, support and parenting time. The law practice of Mansur Law Group, P.C., has over 18 years of legal experience, and is well equipped to handle any legal matters regarding this sensitive legal issue and will assist you in making the decisions and taking the right legal action to safeguard your relationship with your child now and in the future.

Under Massachusetts law, all children are entitled to economic support from their parents. However, in the case of children with unmarried parents, the obligation of support does not begin until the paternity of the child is established, either in court or upon sworn affidavit of both parties. The child’s mother is, however, not prevented from seeking retroactive support from the date of the child’s birth.

In the absence of a court order which says otherwise, the mother has sole custody of the child. A complaint for support, visitation and custody can be filed by a paternity attorney to establish paternity, and deal with other issues related to the children.

Ask Us Your Paternity Questions During A Personal Consultation

At our welcoming Concord law firm, we know the laws and will fight for your rights in paternity issues. Please give us a call at  or send us an email request to arrange a consultation. A paternity lawyer can offer assistance and discuss your legal options. Find out more information today. We are highly responsive to calls and emails.